Baby & Child Sleep Needs Guide (FREE Download!)


If you read the this blog post, you’ll know that I recommend both wake times and set schedules, depending on your baby’s age.

Here, you can download a comprehensive guide outlining wake windows and set schedule (bio times) recommendations, so you can take these suggestions and have your baby in bed at the time that’s right for them.

Have your older baby (past about 6 months) up by 7:00am to start their day. If sleep isn’t coming together, naps are probably starting too early or too late—check out the guide to see the range for biologically-appropriate sleep times for babies.

As always, this is a guideline—most little ones’ needs fall within these suggestions. Yours might need something a little different, and that’s fine (as long as it’s working!).

Download the guide here.


Should You Follow Wake Windows or a Set Schedule for Your Baby?